Addition, Renovation Weston MA -1
      Michael Huller Architects    1831 Washington Street    Newton MA 02466    617-965-4618

Michael Huller Architects
Newton MA

Weston 1
architect Weston MA before and after, exterior makeover, shingle style,
architect Weston MA exterior makeover, shingle style,
architect Weston MA before and after, exterior makeover, shingle style,bay window
architect Weston MA, exterior makeover, shingle style,bay window
architect Weston MA,exterior makeover, shingle style,front entry,patio with french doors
architect Weston MA, exterior makeover, shingle style,front entry
architect Weston MA before and after, interior makeover, shingle style,new staircase
architect Weston MA before and after, exterior makeover, shingle style,dining room
architect Weston MA before and after, exterior makeover, shingle style,dining room built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,dining room built ins
architect Weston MA before and after, interior makeover, shingle style,breakfast room,built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,great room,built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,great room,built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,custom kitchen
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,living room,built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,living room,built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,living room,built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,home office,built ins
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, shingle style,master suite
    Our clients desired to upgrade their entire property in Weston. They wished to create a more welcoming entrance by, enhancing the approach to the house with a newly designed entry, along with integrating a new landscaping plan. In addition they wished to transform the dwelling into a shingle style-home (and less of the existing colonial style), opening the house up to receive more light and take advantage of the beautiful site and existing vegetation.  
    It was also important to them to rearrange the existing circulation into a more efficient plan that created a comfortable and more simplified flow. Achieving this, allowed us to widen the existing stairway, thereby making it more graceful and elegant; enlarge some rooms; and bring more light into the house. This program included a new kitchen, breakfast room, an enlarged dining room, new family room, new home office, new master suite with walk in closets, a second floor laundry room, and a new guest bedroom suite. We also developed a conceptual landscape plan that would relate to the architecture and take advantage of window and door openings.