      Michael Huller Architects    1831 Washington Street    Newton MA 02466    617-965-4618    rmdrdk@verizon.net

Michael Huller Architects
Newton MA

Weston 3
architect Weston MA, exterior makeover, before and after, ranch house,
architect Weston MA, exterior makeover, before and after, ranch house, front entry
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, ranch house, front entry
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, before and after, ranch house, front entry
architect Weston MA, interior makeover, before and after, ranch house,living room, custom kitchen
architect Weston MA
    Our clients had a ranch house in Weston, which included a large addition that was completed several years before they purchased the home. They live in a neighborhood where many of the surrounding homes had been torn down and replaced by larger more upscale homes. Our clients' goal was to upgrade the overall appearance of the exterior including a prominent entry that would be more welcoming and elegant, an addition for a dining room, a new kitchen, a new powder room, and a new stairway to the basement, along with reworking and upgrading of interiors into more efficient and user friendly space.
   Our objective was to create a budget friendly design for the new entry by using the existing roof lines and exterior wall, while avoiding a scheme that required additional square footage. This was achieved by moving the front door several feet to the left, which also allowed for a new, more efficient and elegant arrangement for the interior spaces, along with the construction of the triangular roof window centered over the front door.